Jenis Jenis Pengobatan Jerawat

Ada dua aspek pengobatan jerawat, yang pertama adalah pengobatan obat medis dan yang kedua adalah perawatan kulit yang disarankan "oleh ahli kecantikan yang berpengalaman.

Perawatan Medis:
Pengobatan medis disarankan hanya dalam kasus-kasus jerawat kronis atau berat dan harus diambil dari dokter kulit.

Terapi obat terutama bertujuan terutama untuk:
  • Mengurangi bakteri dalam folikel rambut dan pada permukaan kulit.
  • Membuka folikel rambut dengan pengangkatan komedo.
  • Mengurangi peradangan jerawat.

Pengobatan ini diberikan oleh obat yang dapat diterapkan pada titik-titik jerawat (lokal) dan mereka yang dapat dikonsumsi secara oral.

Pengobatan Jerawat dengan Perawatan Obat:
Persiapan obat lokal terbuat dari senyawa kimia aktif (obat) dan kendaraan atau senyawa media di mana obat ini dibubarkan.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, persiapan Peroksida Benzoil tersedia sebagai gel dan cairan yang telah menjadi sangat populer dalam pengobatan jerawat. Krim "Ultra Clearasil" adalah persiapan Benzoil sangat ampuh. Salah satu poin utama dari tindakan Peroksida Benzoil adalah untuk membunuh bakteri. Ia melepaskan oksigen yang membantu dalam membunuh bakteri anaerob.

Biasanya, satu aplikasi sehari-hari sudah cukup, tapi dua mungkin dianjurkan dalam kasus jerawat membandel. Kondisi jerawat meningkatkan dalam dua sampai tiga minggu aplikasi terus-menerus.
Para Peroksida Benzoil dapat memiliki satu efek samping-secara berlebihan dapat mengeringkan kulit. Beberapa wanita dapat menjadi alergi terhadap Peroksida Benzoil. Yang mengapa terapi obat membutuhkan administrasi berhati-hati?

Persiapan obat belerang, tersedia sebagai krim, gel dan lotion, sangat efektif dalam mengobati jerawat. Seperti Peroksida Benzoil, belerang berkomitmen untuk membunuh bakteri. Sulphur adalah disinfektan dan digunakan dalam perawatan kulit untuk eksim, dll

Dalam mengobati jerawat, persiapan obat belerang bekerja dengan cara lain juga. Ini mengendur dan dislodges komedo dari pori-pori kulit dengan menyebabkan kulit mengelupas.
Kondisi kulit mulai membaik dalam waktu dua sampai tiga minggu. Tidak ada efek samping utama. Namun, itu baik untuk menguji apakah pasien alergi terhadap belerang atau tidak.

Krim Eskamel tersedia di pasar adalah belerang sangat ampuh obat persiapan untuk jerawat.
Tetrasiklin biasanya tidak memiliki efek samping dan karenanya adalah obat paling aman. Namun, dalam beberapa kasus jarang, hal itu menyebabkan bilousness, gangguan pencernaan, sariawan vagina atau ruam. Tindakan pencegahan J: tetrasiklin tidak dianjurkan selama kehamilan.

Catatan: Jauhkan dari matahari saat mengambil tetrasiklin menyebabkan fotosensitifitas. Antibiotik lain yang diresepkan di tempat tetrasiklin adalah eritromisin dan ampisilin. Tindakan pencegahan lain: jika Anda alergi terhadap penisilin, ampisilin tidak boleh digunakan sama sekali.

Pengobatan Jerawat dengan Perawatan Kulit Secara Teratur:
Jadilah yang paling teliti dalam mengikuti kulit harian Anda rutin perawatan. Jangan sampai ada melewatkan langkah apapun sampai kondisi tersebut diperbaiki.

Cuci tangan Anda secara menyeluruh, membasahi wajah dengan air hangat atau berjalan, dan cuci dengan sabun atau obat antiseptik (jangan menggunakan waslap-dapat melindungi bakteri sangat yang harus dimusnahkan). Pilih cairan pembersih ringan dengan bahan-bahan yang menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab noda. Bilas sampai bersih dengan air mengalir jelas. Pat kering dengan handuk lembut, bersih.
Jenuh pad kapas dengan lotion, zat obat dan tekan dengan lembut selama seluruh wajah atau bilas dengan air dingin yang beberapa tetes Tr. Benzoin telah ditambahkan. Ini akan menyegarkan, mengurangi sifat manis mulut kelebihan dan memperbaiki tekstur kulit.
Oleskan krim pada semua obat jerawat. Salah satu yang greaseless dan kulit berwarna tidak akan jelas pada kulit. Ini akan bekerja untuk mengeringkan dan menyembuhkan jerawat. Terapkan Calamine yang setetes minyak cengkeh dan minyak mint telah ditambahkan pada semua jerawat.

Tengah hari:
Ulangi perawatan pagi hari jika memungkinkan. Jika tidak "quickclean" dengan lotion obat zat dan permohonan kembali krim obat pada luka.

Ulangi perawatan pagi. Kadang-kadang mungkin ada beberapa daerah kering seperti di tenggorokan, bawah, sisi mata wajah. Gunakan pelembab yang sesuai atau persiapan pelumas. Jangan pernah menerapkan krim emolien untuk setiap daerah bernoda.

Dua kali Mingguan:
Deep-membersihkan dengan mencuci gesekan-untuk mengontrol komedo dan menjaga pori-pori bebas dari penyumbatan minyak yang berlebih. Basahi wajah dengan air hangat. Tuangkan sekitar satu sendok teh pembersih butiran ke dalam telapak tangan, tambahkan air secukupnya untuk bekerja ke busa lembut. Oleskan ke wajah dengan ujung jari, berkonsentrasi pada komedo dan daerah sifat manis mulut berlebihan. Pijat dengan lembut selama beberapa detik dan bilas hingga bersih. Jumlah minyak dan komedo dapat menimbulkan masalah pada bahu dan punggung juga. Gunakan butiran pembersihan gesekan-mencuci daerah ini ketika Anda berada di kamar mandi dan oleskan krim obat penyembuhan untuk setiap letusan sebelum berpakaian.

9 Tips to Use Acne Products Safely

An acne product alone cannot make all your pimples and blackheads go away. The key to clear and flawless skin is not simply washing your face or applying an acne cream or taking a pill. You have to adopt a complete regimen that will get you through the day and decrease the chances of acne forming. Remember, even your acne product is not failsafe without adopting other behaviors to prevent acne.

1 ) Give Your Acne Product Time to Work.
Do not expect to be pimple free overnight. Every medication needs time to work. As a rule, expect the acne product you use to take approximately 6-8 weeks to work effectively.

2 ) Don’t Aggravate Your Acne
As tempting as it might be, refrain from poking, prodding, squeezing or popping your acne. This can lead to “pizza face” syndrome with skin full of scars and pock marks. In addition, this type of behavior will only aggravate your pimples causing your acne product of choice to take longer to work.

3 ) Wash Your Hands
Your hands have a habit of collecting dirt, oil, and bacteria throughout the day. Do the best you can to avoid touching your face. If you must touch an acne prone area try to wash your hands before doing so.

4 ) Wash Your Face
One of the causes of acne is the natural oil on your face blocking your pores and causing blackheads and pimples. Using an oil-free face wash with either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid twice a day will help reduce the natural oils. Do not scrub your face vigorously as this can irritate your acne and actually cause inflammation. Instead, wash gently and pat dry lightly.

5 ) Use Your Product as Directed
Before using any acne product, read the label carefully. Never use the product more than suggested as this can lead to skin burns. Conversely, never use the product less than suggested as this can prevent the product from acting effectively.

6 ) Use Oil-Free Products on Your Skin
Check the labels on all of your skin care and make-up products. Be sure they are water based and will not clog your pores. Many skin product companies will use the term “noncomedogenic”. This term means the product will not clog pores.

7 ) Do Not Make Your Acne Worse
Do not use oily hair care products as these can get transferred to your neck and face. Stay away from oil-based gels, greases, and pomades. In addition if you hair tends to be oily, wear it away from your face. If you play sports try to wear clothing that will wick moisture away from your body as sweat can make acne worse.

8 ) Eat a Healthy Diet and Drink Plenty of Water
While there is no direct link between diet and acne, eating healthy and drinking plenty of water cannot hurt your acne and, in fact, may help prevent pimples and blackheads.

9 ) Avoid Sunlight
Sunlight curing acne is a myth. All tanning does is increase your risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, the acne product you are using can make you more sensitive to sunlight and cause severe reactions to this light. This is true whether you use a tanning booth, sun lamp or direct sunlight. So stay out of the sun or wear a water based sunscreen to protect your skin.

Several Things You Need to Consider Before Choosing Laser Acne Treatment

totalacne | Apr 21, 2010 | Comments 0

Although teenagers are the ones who suffer most from acne, many adults can suffer from it too. Acne can consist of occasional unwanted outbreaks to chronic severe outbreaks. Along with acne often comes the unwanted side effect of scarring. Acne scars can last a lifetime and for some people, they are cosmetically significant enough to cause a loss of self esteem, psychological stress or even suicide.

Acne Treatment Types:There are a number of treatments for acne on the market today. Some can be purchased over the counter, whereas others require a prescription. This includes topical bactericidals, topical and oral antibiotics, topical and oral retinoids, hormonal treatments and laser treatments. As antibiotics have become increasingly ineffective due to overuse, we are seeing an increase in acne laser treatments.
Acne Laser Treatments:

More and more people are opting for acne laser treatments today to remove acne or acne scarring. People who are considering acne laser treatment, should keep in mind that this sort of treatment really should be considered as a last resort. Treatment of severe acne scars depends on their shape, depth, and location.
During laser resurfacing, a laser pen is held just above the acne or acne scar tissue. A concentrated beam of light is waved back and forth over the area, vaporizing the unwanted tissue and developing a new skin surface for growth. This is where the term laser resurfacing comes from. After the laser treatment, new collagen will form.

Types of Acne Scars:There are a number of different types of acne scars and the type of scar as well as the severity can determine the type of laser treatment required.
Ice pick scars – Deep pits, most common acne scarring.

Box car scars – Angular scars similar to chickenpox scars.

Rolling scars – Scars that give the skin a wave-like appearance.

Hypertrophic scars – Thickened, or keloid scars.
Associated Pain

There is pain involved with acne laser treatments. Some people describe it like a rubber band being “snapped” against the skin. Deep laser treatments can often require anesthesia.
Associated Cost:

The cost of acne laser treatments depends on where you live, if multiple treatments are required and how much work is being done. A full face acne treatment is much more expensive then a treatment involving smaller sections of skin.
What You Can Expect Afterwards:

Make sure you plan for plenty of time off after your procedure. It isn’t unusual for a patient to experience both pain and swelling after an acne laser treatment. This can vary from person to person, but usually lasts for a week to ten days. During this time, the patient should not wear make up.
Doctor Consultation:

If you are considering an acne procedure, you need to do your homework. Talk to a few different doctors; check prices and check patient reviews.
By keeping all of the above tips in mind, you should be able to make a much more informed decision about laser acne treatments. Keep in mind that this doesn’t guarantee your results, but it will increase your chance of a more positive outcome.


Filed Under: Acne TreatmentsFeaturedLaser Treatments


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Research Progress in Acne Remedies

If you are one of the many sufferers from Acne, then you already know of the many over the counter options available to you today. However, did you also know that there are a multitude of studies occurring around the world to find better cures for Acne? There are and we highlight two of them here for you. As with anything medically related, consult your physician prior to taking or applying any medication. With any case of Acne, it is best to consult with your Dermatologist.

If you are unsure what a Dermatologist or Dermatology is, we have defined it here for you (with a little help from Wikipedia). Dermatologists are physicians specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in relation to the skin and appendages (hair, sweat glands, etc). Dermatology (from Greek de?µa, “skin”) is a branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its appendages (hair, sweat glands, etc).

A study recently released in the September issue of British Journal of Dermatology (BJD), studied 1045 adolescents aged 13–19 years. The objective was to determine the epidemiology of acne in teenagers in Singapore. According to the study, “Results Of these respondents, 88% identified themselves as having acne. Eight hundred and six of these respondents were examined by a dermatologist, and 51•4% were classified as having mild acne, 40% moderate acne and 8•6% severe acne. Isolation of Propionibacterium acnes was attempted in 262 subjects. Cultures were positive in 174 subjects, giving an isolation rate of 66•4%. Antibiotic-resistant strains of P. acnes were detected in 26 isolates (14•9%). Eleven of these 26 subjects (42%) had previously been treated or were presently on antibiotic treatment for acne, but the other 58% of students who had antibiotic-resistant strains of P. acnes did not give a history of prior antibiotic therapy. Teenagers expressed psychological distress over acne, and believed that hormonal factors, diet and hygiene were important factors in causing acne.” Researchers have concluded from this study that there is still a need for more education on acne and how to treat the skin condition.

So what kind of strides are being made in regards to acne? Acne vulgaris, better known simply as acne, has a variety of ways it can be treated. However many doctors and patients as well are dissatisfied with a lot of treatments available on the market today. Another study published in the September issue of BJD, was to, “evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a novel lotion containing triethyl citrate and ethyl linoleate in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris.” The results showed that, “forty patients were recruited into the study, of which 33 completed the study. Active treatment was statistically superior to placebo in reduction of Leeds grading and total, inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesion counts. The active lotion showed a rapid response with obvious reduction in lesion counts and acne grading by 4 weeks. Sebum production was significantly reduced in the actively treated group, with a mean reduction of 53% in sebum production compared with baseline. One patient developed irritation to the active lotion and withdrew from the study.” According to researchers the study showed that the lotion was effective against mild and moderate cases of Acne, as well as effects on both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne lesions. According the doctors, “The new lotion worked quickly and was generally well tolerated.”

This may not mean it is a be all end all for your case or someone you know, but you should consult with your Dermatologist to see if it is right for you.


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